Who’s a Turkey?

November 20, 2007

A picture for people coping with Ehlers-Danlos or other chronic illness.

by Susan B Spitzer, PhD

We found a neurosurgeon and I’m scheduled for LOTS of tests next week. We reconvene with the surgeon the following week when we’ll discuss the results of the tests, which should pinpoint what part of the shunt is malfunctioning, if it is indeed malfunctioning. Hmmm. That will be the pivoting point in determining my hair fashion (or lack of it) for the next six months. But my Mom comes to the recue…yay!…after that she’s going to drive me into New York (I’m grounded from air travel due to my elevated intracranial pressure) for some slice and dice by Dr. Chainsaw, which is way overdue and, needless to say, been problematic. So, I’ll be squeezing a New York road trip in there somewhere, but New York with my Mom ain’t so bad! Speaking of which, I’m headed out there for Turkey. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


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(c) Susan B Spitzer, PhD 2019